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Drama | 1 Seasons | Canceled
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As the Paris firefighters try to stop the flames from spreading in the Cathedral, the show also follows characters being put through the wringer - they will have to fight each other, love each other, come across each other, hate each other, smile at or help each other - so that, in the end, they may have a chance to start all over again.

1 Season

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1,696 TV Shows Tastes Related to Notre-Dame

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Photo from Notre-Dame

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Notre-Dame FAQ

On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Notre-Dame is 5.2.
The full version of Notre-Dame is available atprovided by Netflix
On May 13, 2024, there are 1696 reactions to Notre-Dame including absolutely absurd, howler, garbling, parallel story, kind of lame.
The genre of Notre-Dame is Drama.
The cast of Notre-Dame are Roschdy Zem starring as Général Zacharie Ducourt, Caroline Proust starring as Gabrielle Varèse, Simon Abkarian starring as Max, Alice Isaaz starring as Elena, Sandor Funtek starring as Anthony Casemari, Frédéric Chau starring as Steph Noyelle.
As the Paris firefighters try to stop the flames from spreading in the Cathedral, the show also follows characters being put through the wringer - they will have to fight each other, love each other, come across each other, hate each other, smile at or help each other - so that, in the end, they may have a chance to start all over again.
The first air date of Notre-Dame is October 19, 2022.