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Pick a Puppy

| 1 Seasons | Returning Series
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Each episode of "PICK A PUPPY" chronicles the story of a family's search for the ideal canine companion. While on this quest, the family visits various breeders, owners and animal shelters in an attempt to find the perfect fit. As family members grapple with these heart-tugging choices, they soon discover as much about themselves as the breeds they're exploring

1 Season

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Positive 54%
Negative 46%

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Pick a Puppy FAQ

The first air date of Pick a Puppy is September 17, 2010.
On May 13, 2024, there are 957 reactions to Pick a Puppy including puppy dog face, posing questions, happily ever after, glorifying, first timer.
There are Pick a Puppy seasons of the 1.
Each episode of "PICK A PUPPY" chronicles the story of a family's search for the ideal canine companion. While on this quest, the family visits various breeders, owners and animal shelters in an attempt to find the perfect fit. As family members grapple with these heart-tugging choices, they soon discover as much about themselves as the breeds they're exploring