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Justified: City Primeval

Crime, Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Having left the hollers of Kentucky 15 years ago, Raylan Givens is now based in Miami, balancing life as a marshal and part-time father of a 15-year-old girl. A chance encounter on a Florida highway sends him to Detroit and he crosses paths with Clement Mansell, aka The Oklahoma Wildman, a violent sociopath who’s already slipped through the fingers of Detroit’s finest once and wants to do so again.

1 Season

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Positive 53%
Negative 47%

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Justified: City Primeval FAQ

On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Justified: City Primeval is 7.4.
On May 13, 2024, there are 2405 reactions to Justified: City Primeval including antagonistic, poor casting, cast with zero chemistry, deliciously evil, baddie.
The cast of Justified: City Primeval are Timothy Olyphant starring as Marshal Raylan Givens, Aunjanue Ellis starring as Carolyn, Boyd Holbrook starring as Clement Mansell, Adelaide Clemens starring as Sandy, Vondie Curtis-Hall starring as Sandy, Marin Ireland starring as Maureen.
The genre of Justified: City Primeval is Crime,Drama.
Having left the hollers of Kentucky 15 years ago, Raylan Givens is now based in Miami, balancing life as a marshal and part-time father of a 15-year-old girl. A chance encounter on a Florida highway sends him to Detroit and he crosses paths with Clement Mansell, aka The Oklahoma Wildman, a violent sociopath who’s already slipped through the fingers of Detroit’s finest once and wants to do so again.
The director of Justified: City Primeval is Dave Andron.
There are Justified: City Primeval seasons of the 1.
The certification of Justified: City Primeval is TV-MA.
The first air date of Justified: City Primeval is July 18, 2023.