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Surgical Spirit

Comedy | 7 Seasons | Ended
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Surgical spirit is a British situation-comedy television series starring Nichola McAuliffe and Duncan Preston that was broadcast from 14 April 1989 through to 7 July 1995. It was written by Annie Bruce, Raymond Dixon, Graeme Garden, Peter Learmouth, Paul McKenzie and Annie Wood. It was made for the ITV network by Humphrey Barclay Productions for Granada Television.

7 Seasons

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Negative 32%

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Surgical Spirit FAQ

On May 13, 2024, there are 1341 reactions to Surgical Spirit including light relief, witty one liner, memorable quote, sharp-tongued dialogue, comic effects.
The genre of Surgical Spirit is Comedy.
The cast of Surgical Spirit are Duncan Preston starring as , Nichola McAuliffe starring as , Marji Campi starring as , Suzette Llewellyn starring as .
The first air date of Surgical Spirit is April 14, 1989.
Surgical spirit is a British situation-comedy television series starring Nichola McAuliffe and Duncan Preston that was broadcast from 14 April 1989 through to 7 July 1995. It was written by Annie Bruce, Raymond Dixon, Graeme Garden, Peter Learmouth, Paul McKenzie and Annie Wood. It was made for the ITV network by Humphrey Barclay Productions for Granada Television.
There are Surgical Spirit seasons of the 7.