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Romany Jones

Comedy | 4 Seasons | Ended
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Romany Jones is a British sitcom made by LWT, It starred Arthur Mullard and Queenie Watts as Wally and Lily Briggs and was broadcast between 1973 and 1975, The show was originally designed as a vehicle for James Beck, involving the comic misadventures of two layabout families living on a caravan site. Following the death of Beck in August 1973, aged just 44, Bert and Betty Jones were written out of the series, and Jonathan Cecil and Gay Soper took over the lead roles, playing new neighbours, Jeremy and Susan Crichton-Jones. The show had a pilot broadcast in 1972 and was followed by a spin off sequel in 1976 entitled Yus, My Dear, starring Mullard and Watts.

4 Seasons

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Romany Jones FAQ

Romany Jones is a British sitcom made by LWT, It starred Arthur Mullard and Queenie Watts as Wally and Lily Briggs and was broadcast between 1973 and 1975, The show was originally designed as a vehicle for James Beck, involving the comic misadventures of two layabout families living on a caravan site. Following the death of Beck in August 1973, aged just 44, Bert and Betty Jones were written out of the series, and Jonathan Cecil and Gay Soper took over the lead roles, playing new neighbours, Jeremy and Susan Crichton-Jones. The show had a pilot broadcast in 1972 and was followed by a spin off sequel in 1976 entitled Yus, My Dear, starring Mullard and Watts.
On May 13, 2024, there are 757 reactions to Romany Jones including berserk, playing to hilt, most sophisticated, classless, fruity.
The first air date of Romany Jones is February 15, 1972.
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Romany Jones is 6.8.
The genre of Romany Jones is Comedy.
The cast of Romany Jones are James Beck starring as , Arthur Mullard starring as , Queenie Watts starring as , Jo Rowbottom starring as , Jonathan Cecil starring as , Kevin Brennan starring as .