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Kkondae Intern

Comedy | 1 Seasons | Ended
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After graduation, Ka Yeol-Chan landed his first job at a company. His boss there, Lee Man-Shik, was a "kkondae" which refers to a rigid, old school type of person. He would force his old school ways of thinking on Ka Yeol-Chan. Due to Lee Man-Sik and his old school ways of thinking, Ka Yeol-Chan quit his job there. Ka Yeol-Chan then found a job at a ramen company. He worked very hard and was promoted unusually quickly, due to his radical planning and aggressive marketing. Ka Yeol-Chan now works as the chief of the sales and marketing department at the ramen company. His position actually wields the most power in the company. One day, Ka Yeol-Chan gets a senior age intern. That intern is Lee Man-Shik, who gave him such a hard time at his first job.

2 Seasons

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Kkondae Intern FAQ

On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Kkondae Intern is 7.2.
The genre of Kkondae Intern is Comedy.
On May 13, 2024, there are 914 reactions to Kkondae Intern including fully fleshed, bit messy, punching bag, little rushed plot, chemistry between leads.
The full version of Kkondae Intern is available atprovided by Rakuten Viki
There are Kkondae Intern seasons of the 1.
The first air date of Kkondae Intern is May 20, 2020.
After graduation, Ka Yeol-Chan landed his first job at a company. His boss there, Lee Man-Shik, was a "kkondae" which refers to a rigid, old school type of person. He would force his old school ways of thinking on Ka Yeol-Chan. Due to Lee Man-Sik and his old school ways of thinking, Ka Yeol-Chan quit his job there. Ka Yeol-Chan then found a job at a ramen company. He worked very hard and was promoted unusually quickly, due to his radical planning and aggressive marketing. Ka Yeol-Chan now works as the chief of the sales and marketing department at the ramen company. His position actually wields the most power in the company. One day, Ka Yeol-Chan gets a senior age intern. That intern is Lee Man-Shik, who gave him such a hard time at his first job.