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Less Than Kind

Drama, Comedy | 4 Seasons | Returning Series
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Less Than Kind is a Canadian television comedy-drama series that stars Jesse Camacho as Sheldon Blecher, a teenager growing up in a loving but dysfunctional Jewish family in Winnipeg. The show's cast also includes Maury Chaykin and Wendel Meldrum as Sheldon's parents, Benjamin Arthur as his older brother Josh, and Nancy Sorel as his aunt, Clara. The Blechers struggle to operate a driving school out of their home in Winnipeg's fading North End. Less Than Kind made its debut October 13, 2008, on Citytv, and moved to HBO Canada in February 2010. The ensemble cast of the critically acclaimed series won Canadian Comedy Awards in 2009 and 2010.Less Than Kind received the 2010 Gemini Award for Best Comedy Program or Series and the inaugural award for Best Comedy Series at the 2013 Canadian Screen Awards. The title sequence and logo for Less Than Kind were inspired by an iconic highway sign at Winnipeg's Confusion Corner intersection, depicting arrows pointing in every direction. The name of the series is found in the first line spoken by Hamlet: "A little more than kin, and less than kind."

4 Seasons

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Positive 59%
Negative 41%

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Television Awards

20 wins 73 nominations
out of 1,656 television awards
  • Canadian Screen Awards, CA

    Best Direction in a Comedy Program or Series

  • Canadian Screen Awards, CA

    Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Supporting Role or Guest Role in a Comedic Series

  • Canadian Screen Awards, CA

    Best Photography in a Comedy Program or Series


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Less Than Kind FAQ

The genre of Less Than Kind is Drama,Comedy.
The full version of Less Than Kind is available atprovided by Tubi TV
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Less Than Kind is 7.9.
The director of Less Than Kind is Peter Williamson.
The cast of Less Than Kind are Wendel Meldrum starring as Anne Blecher, Jesse Camacho starring as Sheldon Blecher, Benjamin Arthur starring as Josh Blecher, Nancy Sorel starring as Clara Fine, Lisa Durupt starring as Shandra, Brooke Palsson starring as Miriam Goldstein.
The first air date of Less Than Kind is October 13, 2008.
Less Than Kind is a Canadian television comedy-drama series that stars Jesse Camacho as Sheldon Blecher, a teenager growing up in a loving but dysfunctional Jewish family in Winnipeg. The show's cast also includes Maury Chaykin and Wendel Meldrum as Sheldon's parents, Benjamin Arthur as his older brother Josh, and Nancy Sorel as his aunt, Clara. The Blechers struggle to operate a driving school out of their home in Winnipeg's fading North End. Less Than Kind made its debut October 13, 2008, on Citytv, and moved to HBO Canada in February 2010. The ensemble cast of the critically acclaimed series won Canadian Comedy Awards in 2009 and 2010.Less Than Kind received the 2010 Gemini Award for Best Comedy Program or Series and the inaugural award for Best Comedy Series at the 2013 Canadian Screen Awards. The title sequence and logo for Less Than Kind were inspired by an iconic highway sign at Winnipeg's Confusion Corner intersection, depicting arrows pointing in every direction. The name of the series is found in the first line spoken by Hamlet: "A little more than kin, and less than kind."
There are Less Than Kind seasons of the 4.